Our Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics
As a member of APDT Australia Inc. a member agrees to:
Perform services to the best of their ability within the guidelines of this Code of Ethics.
Employ only humane, dog-friendly techniques in the training of dogs.
Actively reject the use of harsh, physical, psychological, coercive and aversive methods in the training of dogs including the use of electric shock collars, pinch or prong collars.
Make the welfare of the dog of primary importance.
Be honest and trustworthy.
Treat all dogs with respect.
Do no harm.
Promote responsible dog ownership.
Actively pursue ongoing education in order to provide a service based upon sound scientific principles and current best practice.
Promote a positive human/canine relationship between owner and dog.
Work at developing and applying positive methods of dog training.
Provide a service of the highest standard within the limit of their skill, knowledge and ability.
Respect the confidentiality and privacy of clients.
Not advertise themselves as a member of APDT Australia Inc. without prior approval of the Association.
Not represent themselves as a spokesperson for APDT Australia Inc. without prior approval of the Association.
Every member must agree to follow the Code of Ethics. Any member who does not follow the Code of Ethics may be expelled from the Association.